Saturday, May 2, 2009

Movie Reviews: Look-a-Like Sunday... >.>

I just got back from viewing Slumdog Millionaire with my sister. She urged me to watch it with a claim that the main protagonist looks like me. More on that later, but first I'm going to talk about a movie I watched with my friends from my summer job, 17 Again.

You don't know how much I despise Zac Efron, and his Disney anti-Christs out to mislead our youth by being prudent and chaste. The only reason I watched this is because the people I'm with don't have anything better to watch. Anyways, it's a friends movie, you know, the kind that you can watch with friends and/or chicks you're hitting on. That's not to say it's a family movie though.
The movie is super-awkward, no, not like "That's embarrassing!" awkward, more in the lights of "Your classmate is making out with your mom!" awkward. Seriously. My friends and I were screaming and squealing at how low Zac here gets when he gets sexy with his 40-year old partner. Sure, you know she is, in the story, his wife, but you couldn't help but be disgusted at how many of your comfort zones Zac is breaking in the movie. Even if you tell yourself he's the dad except he's 17, there is still a scene where that statement supports how wrong the movie is. At the risk of spoiling the movie, I won't tell you what happens. You'll know. Haha.
Anyways, 17 Again works on the premise of countless previous movies and stories where a protagonist changes, age, looks, gender or whatever. It nonetheless in some aspects offers a fresh take on switcheroo films. The awkward scenes were funny (well for us) and his nerdy friend is flat-out hilarious. Any other aspect of the movie fails - as if there are any other aside from the two mentioned and the Zac Efron eye candy for the chicks. If it weren't for the former two, I would have left the cinema already because the movie has some cheesy parts and some scenes that made me think that I am a sorry excuse for a man compared to perfect Zac Efron with a ripped body, a face that has the chicks screaming, a voice that is as smooth-flowing as... Okay, I better stop with the Zac Efron adoration before it gets any gayer.
Funny, not to brag, but my pseudonym where I work in summer, is Zac Efron. Yes, I didn't believe it at first. I looking like him? Maybe he looks like me! Hardy-har-har, you should be thankful for even having that as an insult. Eh, it began with one of my, should I say, colleagues. One day we were bored, he was stationed right across me, and all of a sudden, he says, "You look like Zac Efron!" And so begins an endless trail of vanity and shameless self-adoration.

Here's my picture beside his. You be the judge if I look like him or not:
Zac Efron Me

Now you know why this blogspot is entitled Look-a-Like Sunday! Okay, in conclusion, I give 17 Again, 3-stars, for the fresh and awkward scenes!

Next is Slumdog Millionaire which I just watched with my sister.
Slumdog Millionaire creates a picture of India's slums with the life of two brothers and a girl. If you think how crappy you're childhood was, you don't know how crappy, as in literally, crappy Jamal's had been (people who have watched the movie will get the pun). It can be considered a thriller because our three protagonists come across crooks as they survive as children, teenagers, and eventually adults. I saw the poster where it focused on it being a love story, and it is rightly so, because the story rises, reaches it climax, falls, and concludes due to Jamal's love for Salim. Everything from the beginning till the last 20-minutes was a hell for Jamal, but after that, it would really make the audience cheer on and feel good about it. It was really like watching Who Wants to Be A Millionaire on TV. You just have to find if that random guys wins a million bucks or not.
It's funny that the hell fate gave him turned out to be the key to heaven. A quote that would fit in the movie would be: What doesn't hurt can only make you stronger. I could explain the reason, but I would have already given the movie out for you.

Okay so Jamal looks like me, so says my sister. I deny it. Here, I'll show you my pic beside his.

Jamal Me
Now, is there any resemblance between us or are you just visually impaired?

I give Slumdog Millionaire 5 stars for being a gritty thriller, a sweet love story, and a cheer-me-up movie for everyone.

And that ladies and gentlemen concludes Look-A-Like Sunday! I hope you'll come back for another blog post and that I'll have the motivation to write another one.

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